Daily High-Intensity Workouts for general physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

7/23/10 - WOD


Sit Ups
KB Swings


50 walking pushups


Mr. Panda Bear walked through the bamboo forest. "What delightful foliage," he noted. "A real pleasure." The soft leaves tickled his face as he ambled between the shoots. He lesiurely chomped on the feast surrounding him skipping and laughing all the while.

He noticed an interesting phenomenon; for every branch he ingested, two took its place. "How sustainable!" he exclaimed. Intrigued by the curious rapid growth of the forest, Mr. Panda Bear voraciously devoured every leaf, branch, and shoot within his reach. He ate and ate and ate; the forest grew and grew and grew - until it had enclosed Mr. Panda Bear in a dark cage of shoots and leaves.

"Whafuhdon!" garbled Mr. Panda Bear, and by that he meant, "What have I done!?!" or maybe it was, "What have I done?!?"

"I'm trapped," he said after licking his lips to gulf down the last remnants of leaves lining his fat panda lips. Indeed, he was. Mr. Panda Bear had eat so much greenery that he had trapped himself in a bamboo tomb. Everywhere he looked, Mr. Panda Bear could only see bamboo.

"Help! Help!" he shouted, but if Mr. Panda Bear is trapped in a bamboo forest he doesn't make a sound. Feeling claustrophobic, he panicked much like a man does who has fallen into quicksand. Stuffing his face, the small space tightened. At first he felt the constriction around his panda belly. Then it squeezed his chest until the only appendage he could move were those fat panda lips.

"What a pickle!" he cried, and with his dying breaths, Mr. Panda Bear did the only thing he knew how. He curled his lips. He wrapped them around the life dangling in front of his face, and ripped it from the branch.

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