Daily High-Intensity Workouts for general physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.


Monday, July 19, 2010

7/20/10 - WOD

4 Sets of 10 for time:

KB Swings
DB Cleans
Sit Ups
Body Squats

And perhaps run 1.5 miles, if you feel lucky


Sick commercial

Dear Investment Banking,

I really do not know very much about you. You seem a bit foreign to me. From our brief, brief encounter I've noticed some things about you. You appear to bring out the worst in alpha males, and your constant obsession with rank and status and group and which-bank-do-you-work-at-I-value-myself-according-to-the-2Q-earnings-report-ness grows wearisome. But the one-up-manship I can handle. And the hours, though daunting, can't be nearly as bad as pulling two consecutive all-nighters in order to renovate paint and then re-renovate and re-paint a deaf man's bathroom puke orange only to not get paid upon completion. I guess what concerns me is that people keep telling me I will have to forgo working out. Right now, I remain confident that this will not happen. Maybe I won't be in pro-soccer shape, but I can be in semi-pro shape. Only time will tell. If I get fat and can't run sub 12 minute two miles, then I-Banking, you will have won.

As a true gentleman, I wish you best of luck in ruining my health,

Ruf "Don Draper" io


  1. sick video.... man I got to start working out to get like that guy...

  2. You have to get healthy first ha. How is the achilles?
