Daily High-Intensity Workouts for general physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

7/1/10 - WOD

4 minute body hold

Push up/Sit up Tabata


Picture and Video Coming Soon...

Horse Hooves?

I guess I knew that I was finished playing soccer when working out became a chore. Mind you, I love exercising, as seen by my blog. Often, I go over the top, challenging myself to things that I cannot do physically, mentally, or both. But I think, for me, that challenge is the point.

As a college soccer player not quite good enough to play professional soccer (USL-2 probably, but let's get real: is it worth playing on such a small stage? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? Are squirrels and deer and other "woodfolk," like elves and unicorns, sentient beings? Meaning if they are around that tree when it falls in the forest, does it make a sound? What is sound? Is sound something more than waves traveling through the air before it hits our ears? Existential crisis, much?) I have taken this fitness kick to be a level of validation. Can I still do "it?" Do I still have "it?" Sometimes yes and sometimes no - I'm looking at you 3 football fields of pushup burpees and "100 flights of stairs." But at least I am consciously trying. To make sure that I am setting up a true challenge, I write the workout down when I feel fresh - no aches, pains, soreness, or other ailments that could discourage me from ambition.

A friend once told me that I wise man once said, "Aim for the moon, and you'll land in the stars." I told him that an idiot said that. If you think about it, that phrase makes no sense. If anything, it should be aim for the stars, and you'll land on the moon - which also makes no sense. Realistically, for you to land on the moon, you would have to aim straight for the moon. If you aimed for a star and did not quite make it, you would not end up among any stairs. You would end up dead in space. If you were lucky, before the air is sucked out of you by a space vacuum, your shuttle would blow up in the atmosphere to serve as a reminder to all that here was an idiot who aimed for the moon/stars and most certainly did not end up among the moon/stars (which might be a sick epitaph on your tombstone). I revised that figure of speech to be this, "Aim for the moon and land on the moon. But just so you know, if you miss, you are in some serious s@*t. Can't say I didn't warn you."

While the above tangent has nothing to do with the previous paragraph - and, upon a second reading, sounds quite discouraging, kind of like a certain person's pregame speech... "Now this guy does not belong on the field with you. I mean he is head and shoulders above everyone else... now let's go out and win this game" - I am handing out life lessons, pearls of wisdom.

Take these pearls, one by one, tie them together, and string a necklace. But be careful to not spill on them and make sure to have a professional jeweler clean them for they are a porous stone, easily stained. Do not stain my pearls.


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