Daily High-Intensity Workouts for general physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Real Post

Let me open with a video:


I guess bench press is a really functional move... At least they aren't using the stationary weight lifting machines...

Smoke and Mirrors: "These men are like turtle. Flip them onto their back, and they can't move."

My whole life, I've played competitive soccer. After four years of D-I collegiate soccer, I look back on the fitness and strength portion of my exercise regime and wonder was any of it geared towards creating success on the field. Soccer makes broad, general physical demands - aerobic, anaerobic, strength, speed, power, and coordination. However, the exercise program we followed seemed steeped in the shadow of power lifting. Not to belittle that sport, but it is an extremely specialized activity, requiring one to make similar movements repeatedly - and certainly should not be the cornerstone of soccer training.

That said, from here on out my goal is general fitness - unspecialized, non-specific, and inclusive. I believe that during a workout, one should always be moving - and when you are not, seek "active rest." Doing a set of bench press and waiting a couple minutes before banging out another 8 reps is wasted time. A successful workout need not take hours of time and ought to incorporate the entire body. After all, we are not made of separate parts operating in isolation from each other.

I am going to test and evaluate exercise programs. I will follow the directions as they are outlined by the programs creator and keep a (mostly) daily diary of their effectiveness. Footage and pictures will accompany my text.

Also, I need to get a way better title for this blog... open to suggestions from my vast readership.