Daily High-Intensity Workouts for general physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

WOD - 6/11/10

I am going to steal this one from the crossfit main website:

15 rounds for time of:

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 situps

AND then Tabata on the bike...

It has been brought to my attention that I never explained what Tabata is. Here you go:

TABATA = 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 4 minutes; maximum effort


The rise of the set piece.

Ron Artest wears the number 37 because it was the same number of weeks "Thriller" topped the charts.

Will somebody please tell Joey Fatone to quit calling me? I can't give him free tickets to the Super Bowl.

I am an avid viewer of Bravo. I know what you are thinking - doesn't that make you "a gay." No, Andy, it does not make me a gay. Real Housewives of choose your city is dynamite. In the last episode, they taped a woman losing her mind. I mean she was literally going crazy in front of our very eyes ("Truth, you can't handle the truth!" "Oh my God, Al Sharpton. Al Sharpton!"). From Top Chef to Nine By Design to The channel consistently puts on quality programming.
Here is the main reason that I enjoy Bravo: outside of those misplaced Law and Order episodes (must be an old contract waiting to expire because that series does not fit the Bravo motif), Bravo plays its primetime shows around the clock. Whether its 2 a.m., 10 a.m., or 4 p.m., one can catch a marquee Bravo program.
This practice raises a valuable question. Why are reruns of Doogie Howser M.D. on TV? I do not understand why TV doesn't just play its quality programming around the clock. A given channel probably has about 4-5 good shows. AMC, just run episodes of Mad Men and Breaking Bad around the clock because I think I speak for everyone when I say we do not want to watch They Live. ("When two men put on special sunglasses they see aliens and subliminal messages." I am always amazed by the plots of some movies. I picture two guys sitting in their living room and one turns to the other and says, "Dude, I have a great idea for a movie. Picture this. Two guys find these special sunglasses." And then the other one finishes his thought, "And when they put them on they see aliens and subliminal messages..." Even more amazing than this initial jam session is that THEY END UP WRITING THE WHOLE THING. Never at any moment did they second guess themselves.)

-who's Gwyneth?


1 comment:

  1. I did that CF mainsite WOD after some strength stuff. It felt much better than when we did Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats as many times as possible in 20 min). I think it's just a lot easier mentally when you know exactly how many reps you have left rather than having to go as fast as possible. What'd you think?
